Decade of natural scienceВ

Decade of natural scienceВ

Open lessons held on the eve of the decade of physics, mathematics, computer science and natural science:

▫️Yeseniyazova Nazerke Mukhambetzhankyzy-7 “A” class, “Khimiyalyk elementterdin tabigi kurylymy”

▫️Abzhapar Samal Ermekkyzy-8 “A” class, “Bulshyket ulpalarynyn kurylysy men kyzmeti”

▫️Taskul Dariga Baizhankyzy-7 “B” class, “Big hemispheres of the brain”

▫️Zheken Akzhol Algadayuly-7 “A” class, “Adamnyn tabigat keshenderine aseri”

▫️Espaev Rinat Erbolatuly-9 “B” class, “National and religious composition of the population of Kazakhstan”

Views: 491
Last editing date: Oct. 18, 2024, 12:59 p.m.

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